I’m Sam.
I’m probably in Hong Kong, BC, or somewhere in between.
I am a musician, audio engineer, sound designer, and audio researcher. This site serves as a sort of portfolio, mostly around my work as an independent musician. I write, perform, and produce all of my own music. My songs have been featured on various Spotify Editorial Playlists, independent music publications, and national radio. When I lived in Kingston, Ontario, I played at local favourite venues like the Grad Club and Musiikki Café. I now live in Victoria, and have recently graduated with a Master’s degree in Music Technology.
As a sound designer, my work was featured on CFRC’s Shortwave Theatre Festival. My undergraduate thesis project was an independently created radio play where I incorporated ideas from Musique Concrète, Text-Sound, and Foley.
As a researcher, my work has mostly focused on immersive audio formats and their implications on audio students.
Feel free to reach out using the “Contact” page in the site header if you are interested in any of my work!